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Courses Offered

University of Birmingham (Spanish Core Communicative Skills I-II-III; Caribbean Literature and Culture; US Latino; Business Spanish, translation courses, plus second-year research and final-year dissertation projects, academic year 2017-19).


Trinity Catholic School: Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 (September-December 2016).


Regis High School: Spanish 2, 3 and 4 levels, Latin 3 (academic year 2013-16).


Boston College: intermediate –level Spanish-language and culture courses (Fall 2012).


University of Massachusetts, Boston: 1) Native Peoples in Latin America; 2) Human Rights in Latin America, regular offering in Latin American Studies Program, Hispanic Studies Department (Spring 2012).


Oberlin College: 1) Intermediate-level Spanish, 2) Latin American Survey: Issues in Spanish American Literature and Culture (19th and 20th centuries); 3) (Neo-)Baroque: Culture of Excess; 4) Intermediate-level Spanish, Advanced Grammar and Composition, 5) Latin American Survey (19th and 20th Centuries); 6) Latin America Among the Disciplines (Hispanic Studies, 2009-11).


Hofstra University: Introduction to Latin American Studies, Latin American Studies Seminar (History Department, Spring 2009) & Introduction to Spanish Literature; Senior Seminar in Hispanic Literature and Culture, Interpreting the Hispanic Legacy (Romance Studies, Fall 2006).


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