Fernando Gómez Herrero
Latest Presentations / Conferences / Seminars and Symposia
“Civilizational Comebacks? Ortega y Gasset and Arnold J. Toynbee,” The 2021 Annual Telos -Paul Piccone Institute Conference “Civilizational States and Liberal Empire—Bound to Collide? (18-19 Sept. 2021, New York City).
“Sobre los Reajustes de América en la Historia Global y los Desajustes de América Latina en la Anglozona” (Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas – UNAM, México, 3er Encuentro Taller: Descolonialidad del Poder en Homenaje a Aníbal Quijano, Encuentros y Diálogos Descoloniales en Diversidad de Tiempos y de Espacios, 24-27 Agosto 2021).
“Translating Ruben Darío ‘s Modernist Poetry in the Contemporary English Scene,” CfP: Übersetzungsszenen/ Scenes of Translation/ Scènes de la Traduction (Workshop, University of London, 2 July 2021).
“On Ortega y Gasset’s Revolt of the Masses,” Shifting Constellations: Germany and Global (Dis-)Order, IGES – Institute for German and European Studies, University of Birmingham, 30 June- 2 July 2021.
“Reading Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Carta Atenagórica (1690) in the Early Modern
and Colonial Baroque Horizon: Pleasures and Challenges,” Women and Agency: Transnational Perspectives c. 1450-1790, Virtual Symposium, University of Oxford (24-25 June 2021).
“On G John Ikenbery’s Liberal Internationalism,” Decoloniality and Desintegration of Western Cognitive Empire—Rethinking Sovereingty and Territoriality in the 21st Century, The New Polis, https://thenewpolis.com/ (14-15 April 2021). Digital Participation.
“On Enrique Dussel’s Political Theology,” Conference: Struggle and Liberation Today / Conferencia: Lucha y Liberación Hoy, Department of Philosophy, Section Humanities, The University of Texas, El Paso El Paso (4-5 March, 2020). Digital Participation.
Invited Guest Participation in the Free Speech Series, “How is Democracy Doing?,” Global Engagement, Georgetown University and Blackfriars, Oxford (19 January 2021; https://global.georgetown.edu/events/how-is-democracy-doing).
“On Enrique Dussel’s Political Theology,” As It was in the Beginning?: Liberation Theology and Praxis in Contemporary Latin America, Online Conference, Institute of Latin American Studies, School of Advanced Studies, U of London (18-20 Nov. 2020).
“On Carl Schmitt’s Dialogue of Power and Space: Intellectual Life & Radio Broadcast in between Germany & Spain,” “Germany & the Crisis of Liberal Democracy” Project, Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham (25‒6 June 2019).
“Evelyn Waugh among the Barbarians; Or about Scott King’s Modern Europe (1947),” Modern British Studies Beyond Boundaries, University of Birmingham (3-5 July, 2019).
“Carl Schmitt / Tierno Galván / Barcia Trelles: Perhaps (International) Law Follows (Total) War?, in the Postguerres/Aftermaths of War Conference (Department of Contemporary History, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, 5, 6 and 7 June 2019).
“Culture Bites: Beginning of A Critique of the Catastrophe of Spanish among the Modern Languages in Brexit Britain,” Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Dept. of Cultures and Languages, School of Arts, Birkbeck (28th May 2019).
"About the Castro-Sanchez Albornoz Debate: Intolerance of the Other and the Scholarly Horizon of Politics," at the Conference Iberian (In)tolerance: Minorities, Cultural Exchanges, and Social Exclusion in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era,
The London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP), Senate House, University of London (8-9 Nov. 2018).
Attended the Workshop "Nuevos Caminos del Hispanismo," (Casa Velazquez, Madrid; 16-17 Oct. 2018).
Attended the Language Learners in Anglophone Contexts Workshop, Creative Multilingualism Initiative, Jesus College, University of Oxford (30 Sept- 1 Oct. 2018).
Presented "About Walter Mignolo's Decoloniality", at the (Un-)making Borders, CPD Annual Workshop, BISA Colonial / Postcolonial / De-colonial Working Group Annual Workshop Queen Mary, University of London (19th September 2018).
Attended the Mischief Workshop: A Conference Inviting Experiment In Theatre, Thought and Politics (University of Birmingham & Royal Shakespeare Company, 20-21 July 2018, Stratford-upon-Avon).
“About Law and Literature; Or Evelyn Waugh attends the Pax Romana Commorations in honour of Francisco de Vitoria in Spain in 1946,” at Languages Memory Conference, King's College, London (13-14 June, 2018).
"Francisco de Vitoria in Daniel Patrick Moynihan's On the Law of Nations," 4th International Conference on the Historical Links Between Spain and North America. New Cultural Cartographies (11-13 April, 2018, City College of New York (CUNY), Instituto Cervantes & Instituto Franklin, New York City).
“About Mannerism and the Seven Virtues (1550) of Pedro de Campaña,” The Art of Ornament, Meanings, Archetypes, Forms and Uses, International Conference (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 23-24 Nov. 2017).
"Baroque Catastrophe Now? Space and Power and Carl Schmitt," paper delivered at the Catastrophe Critical Legal Conference, University of Warwick (1-3 Septermber 2017).
Completed the track titled "Democratization in Latin America," at the Oxford University International Politics Summer School, St. Antony's College, Oxford (2-15 August, 2015).
Attended the Course "The Social Lives of Greek and Roman Art" at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London (20-24 July, 2015).
Attend the Summer School (Curia, Portugal, June 30th - July 8th, 2014) and the International Colloquium "Epistemologias do Sul: Aprendizagens Globais Sul-Sul, Sul-Norte e Norte-Sul" (Coimbra, Portugal; July 10-12, 2014).
Attended the V Jornada de Formación de Profesores: Español como Lengua Heredada en el Contexto K-12 (Instituto Cervantes, New York City, March 22, 2014).
Paper Presentation “Post-/De-Colonial Projections: Contents, Forms, Frames, Functions,”I Seminário Internacional Pós Colonialismo, Pensamento Decolonial e Direitos Humanos na América Latina / I International Seminar on Post-Colonialism, Decolonial Thinking and Human Rights in Latin America, UNISINOS/Sao Leopoldo, Brazil (Nov. 4-5, 2013).
Attended the II Beginner’s Course for Teachers of Spanish as Foreign Language,” (Sept. 27, 2013 through Feb. 21, 2014), Instituto Cervantes, New York City.
Attended the London Critical Theory Summer School 2013 (1st July – 12th July), participants included Etienne Balibar, Drucilla Cornell, Costas Douzinas, Stephen Frosh, Esther Leslie, Laura Mulvey and Slavoj Zizek).
“Sobre la Inteligencia Histórica Entre las Ruinas Universitarias: A Propósito de Legados
(Post-) Coloniales” (Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard U, Nov. 14, 2012).
“What Do We Really Talk about When We Talk about Spanish in the U.S. of A?” (Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard U, October 11, 2012).
“Did you Say Latin American Studies in the Home of the Brave?” (Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard U; March 29, 2012).